

Words of motivation in the morning are really needed, because many of us really need words to start the day with enthusiasm, in addition to motivating ourselves we can also send them to friends, relatives or anyone to be more enthusiastic about going through the day. And here I have summarized motivational words in the morning from various sources, hopefully they can be useful for all of us.


  • Assalamualaikum, good morning friends! May a glimmer of hope illuminate our hearts and minds on this bright morning.
  • Good morning, dear people of the prophet, cheer up your day by keeping your heart.
  • Strengthen your heart, straighten your intentions, renew your mind, good morning and keep your spirits up.”
  • Start your day with good intentions, radiate a happy face in the morning, may Allah always take care of you. Assalamualaikum, good morning, friends!”
  • Don’t blame God for not showering you with gifts. He gives you the gift of a new day every morning. Good morning.
  • The sun always rises from the east, a true friend always entertains, come on, comrades, hurry up and get up from sleep before the noon prayer begins.
  • A morning without coffee is like a morning without sunshine, keep your mouth from hurting your heart and keep your heart from hatred and envy.
  • Behave well for the sake of Allah alone and always be grateful every morning because Allah’s grace allows you to wake up from sleep, Assalamualaikum and good morning.
  • Indeed, after difficulties there must be ease, stay optimistic, believe in His promises. It is the key to picking up a confident and optimistic sun. Good morning.
  • Start your every morning with a smile and peace of mind, be istikamah like the sun which always rises in the morning and sets in the evening. I say assalamualaikum and good morning to you.


  • If every longing turns into a drop of water, you must already be wet because this longing turns into rain early in the morning, in the middle of the afternoon, and at the end of the night.
  • Have you ever imagined how fresh the dew is washed by the rain one morning.
  • Rain in the early morning, refreshing, awakening God’s love and compassion falling many times to those who want to seek.
  • Rain in the morning, that’s also His grace, no need to grumble in your heart, it’s enough to be grateful, I hope the rain brings blessings this morning.
  • We can’t stop the rain, but don’t let the rain stop our spirits. Even though it’s raining, keep spirit in the morning.
  • Morning, rain, and a cup of coffee. You have an ocean to be happy, why choose to swim in a pool of sadness?
  • It’s still Monday and it’s been raining since morning. Hopefully the memories don’t get carried away.
  • Passionate longing is like rain in the morning, no one expects it but it will still come.
  • Only a drop of rain remains in your eyes, I seduce the morning wind to dry it. In the evening, I will color your cheeks with orange hue.
  • When it rains in the morning, I’m reluctant to complain, because what I see, morning never changes, morning is the time to step good morning, friends, have a good activity.


  • No matter what you will encounter today, rest assured that in the name of the Lord Jesus, you can overcome it. Shout it out with all your praise.
  • The happiness of God’s love is not obtained if you start it by not giving thanks. Therefore, don’t forget to give thanks this morning.
  • When we pray for the good of others, then unknowingly we have brought goodness to ourselves. Good morning and don’t get tired of doing good.
  • What you were looking for yesterday, the Lord God will fulfill today. What you have not received today, Allah will provide for tomorrow. Happy starting activities on a new day, may God always bless you.
  • Today we do a lot of work because it is God’s choice for us for the glory of His name. Good morning may our lives always be blessed by God.
  • We know life is not easy, everything needs a process to fight for it. Good morning! Keep the spirit, pray, and never give up.
  • Surrender your deeds to God, then all your plans will be fulfilled. -Proverbs 16:3
  • Light has risen for the righteous, and joy for the upright. Psalm 96:11
  • Thank God, even for the smallest gift. Don’t forget to start your day with gratitude, God bless you.


  • The thing I always worry about every morning is when you wake up late. Good morning, dear.
  • Good morning, those who have struggled and sacrificed a lot for their crushes but have never been considered at all.
  • Open your eyes and see the sun warms your soul, one warm greeting for you with the words of a good day, it’s noon.
  • With a little of your smile, I’m already happy this morning, especially with a lot of smiles from you it will stab my heart because of the smell of your mouth.
  • It’s time for me to give this funny good morning greeting to my beloved boyfriend, to get up early and rush to clean the house.
  • The night has passed, the sun has shown its light. Good morning my friend, don’t forget to pay your debt.
  • I see the leaves still wet dripping on the ground, I smell the fresh scent of this morning’s air. And I imagine your beautiful face, it turns out that you are still drooling on the bed with your saliva.
  • When the morning sun has come with the beautiful sound of birds chirping, it reminds me of your still snoring voice.
  • You are the first person I say ‘good morning’ even though I have many friends, ranging from the ugly to the cute. But I prefer the ugly first.
  • In the morning, the sun begins to greet, the sun has reflected its warmth, open your beautiful eyes soon, you are too late.

Those are some examples of morning motivational words that you can make one way to cheer up your day. So, which morning motivational words are your favorite?